Welcome To Cambridge Mn Township's Website
The Township has changed its Meeting / Polling
location to the followng: Cambridge Township Townhall
(in the Isanti Co. Historical Society Building)
33525 Flanders St NE
Cambridge MN 55008
Office / Garage / Mail
3568 337th Ave NE
Cambridge MN 55008

Public Notices
Click Here

Important Numbers
Office Phone 763.689.4019
Office Fax 763.689.5921
Clerk 320.496.5636

Township Email

2011 Gopher Bounty
At the 2011 Cambridge Township annual meeting the electors voted to continue to pay the gopher bounty at $2.00 per gopher. The electors have required the following before payment. If the person(s) requesting the bounty are not township residents, they must provide a note from the landowner in the township verifing that the gophers were trapped on township land.

This website is not an official posting site according to MN State Statute. © Copyright 2012. All rights reserved Cambridge Township Isanti County MN
Web Designed by Gary Larson glarson@BagOfWebPages.com