Cambridge Township, Isanti County Mn

The township meets at the Historical Center Building on the second (2nd) Monday of the Month beginning at 7:00 p.m. and ending when the business is finished. This is where all meetings and voting is held. The address is 33525 Flanders St. NE, Cambridge Mn 55008.

3/11/2025 Annual Township Election of Officers - Polls are open from 10am to 8pm (see Documents/Elections for details)

Gravel + Gravel Hauling Quotes will be accepted until 8pm at the March 10, 2025, Cambridge Township Monthly Meeting. (see Documents/Public Notices for details)

See entire Township Road snowplowing policy under documents/policies

Starting 6/14/2021 the Cambridge Township Monthly Board meetings will be held at 7pm at the Isanti County Historical Building located on the Northwest corner of the Isanti Co. Fairgrounds (33525 Flanders St NE Cambridge, Mn 55008

Driveway Permit Applications can be found under section: Documents/Permits

Utility Permit Applications can be found under section: Documents/Permits

Township meetings are open to the public! The Annual Meeting, the most important meeting of the year for residents to attend, is by statute held on the second (2nd) Tue in March, unless inclement weather forces it's rescheduling.

Township Email

Township Phone


Clerk Phone


Township Townhall

Historical Society Building
33525 Flanders St NE
Cambridge MN 55008

Office / Garage Mail

3568 337th Ave NE
Cambridge MN 55008

Public Notices


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